Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Online Privacy Statement is to tell you about the types of information we gather online about you when you visit (“our Website”), how we may use that information, whether we disclose it to anyone, and the choices you have regarding our use of, and your ability to correct, that information. 

This Online Privacy Statement may change from time to time, so please check back periodically. 
This Statement will explain the following regarding the treatment of data collected on our Website: 
1. Websites covered by this Statement
The Privacy Statement of ONE Training Services Ltd covers the collection and use of data on the [] Web sites in the United Kingdom. Please note that this Statement does not apply to any of the sites directed at non-UK residents. The privacy statements of Web sites directed at non-UK residents may differ from this Statement to reflect differences in site features and applicable law. 
2. What information we collect 
The information we collect on our Website generally falls into the following two categories: Personally Identifiable Information and Non-Personally Identifiable Information. 
Personally Identifiable Information: This refers to information that lets us know the specifics of who you are. The Personally Identifiable Information we collect when you use our Website may include but is not limited to your name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, employer, and job title. We request Personally Identifiable Information when you order a product or service, participate in certain promotional activities, fill out surveys, and correspond with us. We also collect Personally Identifiable Information when you ask that we send products or information directly to other people; in these cases, we will collect the information you submit about the recipient. It will be clear when you are on a part of our Website that requires personal information, because we will ask you for it and you will have a choice about how we use that information. 
Non-Personally Identifiable Information: This refers to information that does not by itself identify a specific individual. The non-personally identifiable data we collect when you visit our Website may include the Uniform Resource Locator (“URL”) of the Web site that you came from before visiting our Website, which pages you visit on our Website, which URL you next go to, which browser you used to come to our Website, your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, and any search terms entered on our Website. This Statement also contains more information about how we use cookies and other technology to collect this data. 
3. Why we collect your information 
Our primary goals in collecting information are to provide customers with superior service and to provide all visitors a smooth, efficient, and personalized experience while using our Website. For example, if you purchase products or request information on our Website, we use your Personally Identifiable Information to fill your order or provide the requested information. We use Non-Personally Identifiable Information on an aggregated basis to analyze customer behaviour to help us understand how visitors use our Website and to measure interest in the various pages. We use this information to improve the content of our Website, to make our Website easier to use, and to customize our advertising. 
4. How we use your information 
We gather and use information in a number of ways, including the following: 
Surfing: We collect certain Non-Personally Identifiable Information when you visit our Website or click on banner ads for products and services. We collect this information to help run our Website more efficiently, to gather broad demographic information, to monitor the level of activity on our Website, and to evaluate the effectiveness of our advertising. Learn more about how we use cookies and other technology to collect this information.
Ordering: We collect Personally Identifiable Information when you purchase products and services. We collect this information to deliver your order, to obtain payment, and to communicate with you about the status of your order. 
Product registration: We collect Personally Identifiable Information when you register your purchased products online. We keep this information for reference if you later request customer service and we use the information to personalise that service. 
Technical support: We may collect certain information when you request technical support for your purchased products. This information is necessary to identify your systems, understand the configuration of the products, diagnose your questions, and provide solutions. 
Promotional activities: We collect Personally Identifiable Information from you when you enter a promotional program or activity. We use this information to administer the program or activity, to send you promotional e-mails, gifts, notify winners, and make the winners’ list publicly available. 
Newsletters and promotional e-mails: We collect Personally Identifiable Information when you ask to receive newsletters, promotional e-mails, and other information. We use this information to provide you the information you request. 
Contact information: If you contact us, we may keep a record of your correspondence or comments, including Personally Identifiable Information, in a file specific to you. We use this information to help us provide better service in the event you contact us again. 
Gifts: If you order a gift to be delivered to someone else, we will use the person’s information that you provide to ship the product and confirm delivery. 
5. Sharing your information 
We do not sell, trade, or rent to others the Personally Identifiable Information we collect online. Unless we have your permission, we will share the Personally Identifiable Information you provide online only with other entities and/or businesses that provide services to and only for the purposes described above. Where engages third parties to perform services on our behalf, we will require them to observe the intent of The Privacy Statement of ONE Training Services Ltd. From time to time, we may be required to provide Personally Identifiable Information in response to a court order, subpoena, or government or other regulatory authority investigation. We also reserve the right to report to law enforcement agencies any activities that we in good faith believe to be unlawful. We may release certain Personally Identifiable Information when we believe that such release is reasonably necessary to enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions or to protect the rights, property, and safety of others and ourselves. or its related entities could merge with or be acquired by another business entity or their respective assets could be acquired. Should such a combination or acquisition occur, you should expect that would share some or all of your Personally Identifiable Information to continue serving you and other users of our Website. 
6. Your choices will not use or share the Personally Identifiable Information collected on our Website in ways unrelated to the purpose for which you provided the information, including those described above, without providing you a choice whether to permit any such unrelated uses. At the time you provide your information, we will offer you a choice as to whether you want to receive further communications about special offers, product information or other marketing messages. If you choose not to receive these communications, we will not use the information you provide for this purpose. If you change your mind about receiving further information from, let us know by sending an e-mail with your name, full mailing address, e-mail address, and relevant information about subscriptions and registrations you have with to and we will use reasonable endeavours to honour your request. 
8. Use of cookies on this site 
A “cookie” is a small data file transferred by a Web site to your computer’s hard drive. We send cookies when you surf our Website, make purchases, respond to online surveys or polls, or request information. Accepting the cookies used on our Website does not give us access to your Personally Identifiable Information, but we can use the cookies to identify your computer. The aggregate information collected permits us to analyze traffic patterns on our Website. This can enable us over time to provide you with a better experience on our Website by improving the content and making it easier to use. For example, cookies can keep track of what you have selected to purchase as you continue to shop and allow you to enter your password only once on pages where a logon is required. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually refuse cookies, or selectively accept certain cookies, by adjusting the preferences in your browser. If you turn off cookies, though, there may be some features of our Website that will not be available to you and some Web pages may not display properly.
9. Use of third-party media and research companies does not currently run third-party ads on our Website. may use third-party media and research companies to place ads for us on other parties’ Web sites. When users view Web pages where ads appear, our online media and research companies may place cookies on the user’s computer. These cookies allow the companies to recognize the computer when it is used to return to that site. In this way, our online media and research companies may compile information about ads viewed and the general content of the pages where the ads appear. Over time, this information permits these companies to deliver ads that they believe will be of most interest to the user and to minimize the repetition of ads you see. The cookies placed by these companies do not access or collect any Personally Identifiable Information or enable individual users to be identified. The data is collected exclusively for use in marketing and research. does not have access to the cookies that may be placed by the online media and research companies. If you want to prevent these companies from sending and reading cookies on your computer, you will need to visit each company’s Web site and request that you be removed from its system. 
We may use 3rd party companies to conduct email campaigns and surveys on our behalf. These companies will have access to Personally Identifiable Information.
10. Use of Web beacons on this site 
Some pages on our Website contain electronic images known as Web beacons, or single-pixel GIFs, placed by our third-party media and research companies. Web beacons, which use cookie technology, permit these companies to compile aggregated statistics for about how visitors use our Website and to gauge the effectiveness of our ads. No Personally Identifiable Information is collected or shared through the Web beacons used on our Website, and the information collected does not permit us to identify users of our Website. The data is collected exclusively for use in marketing and research. If you would like to prevent our online media and research companies from collecting this information, you will need to visit each company’s Web site and request that you be removed from its system.
11. Protecting your information acknowledges your trust and is committed to protecting the information you provide us. To prevent unauthorised access, maintain accuracy, and ensure proper use of information, we have employed physical, electronic, and managerial processes to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. 
12. Links to other Web sites 
Parts of our Website contain links to third-party Web sites for your convenience and information. If you use these links, you will leave the Web site. When you access a Web site, even one that may contain the logo, please understand that we do not control the content and are not responsible for the privacy practices of that site. We suggest that you carefully review the privacy policies of each site you visit. The Privacy Statement of ONE Training Services Ltd does not cover the information practices of those Web sites linked to our Website. These other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data, or solicit personal information. 
13. Children’s privacy believes that protecting children’s privacy online is extremely important, and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their children’s use of the Internet and to spend time online with their children. respects national and international laws. We do not specifically target children on the site. 
14. Changes to this statement 
If there are changes or additions to the terms of this Online Privacy Statement, we will post those changes here so that you will always know what information we collect online, how we use it, and what choices you have. Please be sure to check this page before proceeding to use our Website. 
15. Contact us 
If you have any questions or concerns about use of your information or about The Privacy Statement of ONE Training Services Ltd, please send an e-mail to

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