Terms & Conditions

1. Format of the Contract
1.1 These terms of sale apply to all goods supplied by ONE Training Services Ltd (the “Supplier”, or “we”, or “our”, or “us”).
1.2 Any order placed by you for courses or goods advertised on our website is an offer by you to purchase the goods selected in your order. No contract exists between you and us for the sale of any goods until we have received your order and accepted it (which we may do at our discretion). 
1.3 We will send you an order acknowledgement shortly after you place your order, notifying you that we have received your order. This acknowledgement is not notification that we have accepted your order. 
1.4 If we accept your order, we will notify you by email that we have accepted it prior to providing the service. If we cannot accept your order (for example ,but without limitation).because the goods are found to be not available) we will notify you by email. 
1.5 If, after we accept your order, we find that the goods ordered are not available or that there was a pricing error on our website in respect of the goods ordered, we reserve the right not to supply the goods ordered and to offer you a refund or alternative goods in accordance with conditions 2.2 to 2.4 below. 
1.6 The contract is subject to your right of cancellation (see condition 7 below). 
1.7 We have the right to terminate the contract if the price of the goods is not received from you in cleared funds (in accordance with condition 3.1). 
1.8 We may change these terms of sale without notice to you in relation to future sales.

1.9 Online course registrations are 90 days unrestricted online access prior to  final examination, at which pont your access will cease. A successful examination submission in less then 90 days will result in the deactivation of the learners account following certification.
2. Description and price of the goods (course)
2.1 The description and price of the goods you order will be as shown on the our website at the time you place your order. 
2.2 If after acceptance of your order we find within 2 days of such acceptance that all of the goods are not available, we may terminate the contract and refund or re-Visa or Credit you within 7 working days for any sum that has been paid by you or debited from your Visa or Credit card for those goods. In these circumstances, we will inform you as soon as possible.
2.3 If within 7 days of our acceptance of your order we find that some but not all of the goods are not available, we will no longer supply those not available goods. In these circumstances we will contact you detailing the goods that are not available and offer you the option of cancelling the whole order or amending your order to substitute the not available items with alternative goods. If you have not cancelled the order within 14 days of receipt of such notice, we will deliver the available goods in accordance with condition 4 below. We will refund or re-Visa or Credit you for any sum that has been paid by you or debited from your Visa or Credit card in respect of the not available goods or cancelled order (if you have cancelled it). 
2.4 Every effort is made to ensure that prices shown on the Food Safety UK website are accurate at the time you place your order. If within 14 days of accepting your order a pricing error is found in respect of any or all of the items you have ordered, we will notify you as soon as possible detailing the mis-priced goods and offering you the option of: 
    2.4.1 placing a new order at the correct price for those goods; 
    2.4.2 cancelling the whole of your order; or 
    2.4.3 cancelling your order for the mis-priced goods and reconfirming your order for the correctly priced goods.
If, within 14 days of receipt of our notice to you, you have not responded by selecting one of the available options at conditions 2.4.1 to 2.4.3 above then:
(a) if all of the items you have ordered are found to be mis-priced, the entire order will be cancelled automatically and the Supplier will refund or re-Visa or Credit you for any sum you have paid for those goods; or
(b) if only some of the items you have ordered are found to be mis-priced, our contract with you continues and we will deliver the correctly priced goods but we will not be obliged to supply you with the mis-priced goods. In these circumstances we will refund or re-Visa or Credit you for any sum you have paid for the mis-priced goods.
2.5 To avoid any doubt, where goods are not available and you order alternative goods from us, or where goods have been mis-priced and you subsequently order such goods at the correct price, these terms of sale shall apply to the order and the supply of the relevant goods, whether the order is placed through our website or otherwise. 
3. Payment
3.1 Payment for online courses can be made by any method shown on our website at the time you place your order. Payment shall be due before the delivery date and time for payment shall be a fundamental term of this agreement, breach of which shall entitle us to terminate the contract immediately. 
3.2 There will be no delivery until cleared funds are received (with the exception of large business accounts where we may have agreed Credit facilities with you). 
4.  Shipping / Delivery 
The shipping charges for our products and services are generally included in the service cost. Online courses are delivered digitally.

5.1 The goods are at your risk from the time of delivery. 
5.2 Ownership of the goods shall not pass to you until we has received in full (in cash or cleared funds) all sums due to it in respect of: 
    5.2.1 the goods, and 
    5.2.2 all other sums which are or which become due to us from you on any account. 
5.3 We shall be entitled to recover payment for the goods even though ownership of any of the goods has not passed from the Supplier.
6. Title for Business Customers
6.1 If you are a business customer until ownership of the goods has passed to you, you must:
    6.1.1 store the goods (at no cost to the Supplier) separately from all your other goods and goods of any third party in such a way that they remain readily identifiable as the Supplier’s property;
    6.1.2 not destroy, deface or obscure any identifying mark or packaging on or relating to the goods; maintain the goods in satisfactory condition and keep them insured on our behalf for their full price against all risks to the reasonable satisfaction of the Supplier. On request you shall produce the policy of insurance to us.
6.2 If you are a business customer your right to possession of the goods shall terminate immediately if: 
    6.2.1 you have a bankruptcy order made against you or make an arrangement or composition with your creditors, or otherwise take the benefit of any statutory provision for the time being in force for the relief of insolvent debtors, or (being a body corporate) convene a meeting of creditors (whether formal or informal), or enter into liquidation (whether voluntary or compulsory) except a solvent voluntary liquidation for the purpose only of reconstruction or amalgamation, or have a receiver and/or manager, administrator or administrative receiver appointed of its undertaking or any part thereof, or a resolution is passed or a petition presented to any court for your winding up or for the granting of an administration order in respect of you, or any proceedings are commenced relating to your insolvency or possible insolvency; or 
    6.2.2 you suffer or allow any execution, whether legal or equitable, to be levied on your property or obtained against you or you are unable to pay your debts within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 or you cease to trade; or 
    6.2.3 you encumber or in any way charge any of the goods.
7. Your right of Cancellation / Refund
7.1 Due to nature of immediately accessible online courses, once purchased, these are fully refundable for a period of 48 hours following purchase . This does not affect your statutory rights.
7.2 In the case of faulty or mis-described goods, written cancellation must be sent by email to refunds@one-training.org.uk
8. Limitation of Liability 
8.1 Subject to 9.2 below, if you are a consumer we shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage in circumstances where: 
    8.1.1 there is no breach of a legal duty owed to you by the Supplier or by its employees or agents; 
    8.1.2 such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach; 
    8.1.3 any increase in loss or damage resulting from breach by you of any term of this contract. 
8.2 Nothing in these conditions excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury caused byour negligence or fraudulent misrepresentation. 
8.3 If you are a business customer we shall not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit, loss of business, depletion of goodwill or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (howsoever caused) which arise out of or in connection with this agreement. 
    8.3.1 loss of business; loss of data; loss of profits; loss of goodwill; loss of anticipated savings or loss of revenue even when advised of the possibility; or 
    8.3.2 any indirect or consequential losses, liabilities or costs. 
8.4 If you are a business customer then our aggregate liability (whether in contract or for negligence or breach of statutory duty or otherwise howsoever) to you for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused shall be limited to and in no circumstances shall exceed the price of the goods in question.
9. Data Protection
We will take all reasonable precautions to keep the details of your order and payment secure but unless we are proven negligent, we will not be liable for unauthorised access to information supplied by you.
10. Images: Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.
11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction 
These terms of sale and the supply of the goods will be subject to English law and the English courts will have jurisdiction in respect of any dispute arising from the contract.

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